Friday, September 2, 2011

"Make the most of yourself, for that is all there is of you." Ralph Waldo Emerson

Rule 1: You must love yourself.

If you don't love you, how can anyone else?

Think about the type of person you want to spend your eternity with... Ask yourself. Would that person fight to have me, the me at this moment? If your answer is no, you have some work to do. Go on a diet, go back to school, get braces, workout... Whatever it is to make you feel like you deserve to be with your Adonis, make it happen! You must love you, if you want him to love you.

You need to be comfortable in your skin, when in soulmate seeking mode. Otherwise you will be in frog seeking mode. Frog seeking mode is when you feel like you have to settle, so you keep kissing frogs hoping that maybe they will turn into princes (they don't) and years later you wake up in bed with a warty amphibian, who is just a toad... not a prince. Guaranteed, that will not be a happy day!

One thing about Cinderella is that she was not riddled with self-doubt. Not one time did she whine that she was just a scullery maid. Nor did she ask why a prince would want to be with her, when he had his pick of princesses just waiting around for their shot. She was confident enough in herself, that not only did she feel she deserved to be with a prince, she had no doubt it would happen.

For an example let's look at the modern (not so glamorous) Cinderella, Camilla Parker Bowles. Really...  hers is the fairytale love story.   In 1970 Charles falls in love with this plain Jane, whom his parents find totally unacceptable. She marries someone else. The prince marries the beautiful Diana in 1981, whom all the world adores. In 1996 because of his love affair with Camilla, Charles and Diana get a divorce. Diana dies. Then finally, after 35 years of waiting, he marries Camilla, older, not so attractive... his true love.

The good news; chances are pretty good that you aren't looking to land a prince. The better news; Camilla, hardly a traditional beauty, was the choice of a real prince who had many other options.

Ergo; you don't have to be the most beautiful, the skinniest or the smartest person in the room, to be the most attractive. Be the best that you can be, love yourself, and everybody else will too. Then and only then will you be ready for Rule #2.

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