Thursday, September 8, 2011

"I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails..." Jimmy Dean

Rule 2: Draw your road map

Typically people have an idea about the type of person they want to spend their eternity with and vaguely, where they want to spend that eternity.  This notion can be as basic as, "I want a nice person..."  to as complicated as, "I want to marry a tax accountant who earns 200k per year, with large hands, gray eyes and dark brown hair, six pack abs, and I want him to live next to a football stadium."   (The person you seek will likely have their own qualifiers.) 

If you want that really spectacular life, does it really make sense to just hope that things will fall into place, hooking you up with that hot accountant? If your philosophy is to take one day at a time you will find the days turning into weeks, weeks turning into months, etc., with little to no change.   It's important to know where you want to go and how you're going to get there.  It's important to plan.

Pretend you want to go to Bangor, Maine and you live in is San Diego, California.  It's doubtful you would just get up one morning and hope to somehow find yourself in Bangor. You might decide to fly, take the train, or maybe you are looking for a road trip.  If you decide to drive you might pull out a road map, log the information into your GPS, use mapquest, or take a friend who knows the way.  you would never just start driving without planning your route... without knowing the way.  Building a road map for life is critical for those wanting to make changes.  A road map will chart your course and get you (at least close) to the destination you desire.

To chart your course follow these steps:

I) Identify what it is you want.  For example; You live on a farm in Nebraska, but want to marry the love of your life, who would be fit, and spend your time painting scenes of a beach. 

II) Identify the obstacles:

A). You don't live near a beach.
B). Have not met the love of your life who must:
     1. love water
     2. appreciate art
     3. workout
C) Not familiar with art.

III) Create a game plan; Enroll into Art school at a campus near the beach and join the local gym.

That road map identifies how you are going to get to that destination, become that person, and a start to find the person of your dreams.

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